cnfgen.clihelpers.dimacs_helpers module

Formula Helpers for reading dimacs

Copyright (C) 2012-2021 Massimo Lauria <>

class DimacsCmdHelper

Bases: cnfgen.clihelpers.formula_helpers.FormulaHelper

Command line helper for the Pigeonhole principle CNF


build_cnf(args) Buil the CNF according to the parameters on the command line
setup_command_line(parser) Setup the command line options for pigeonhole principle formula
static build_cnf(args)

Buil the CNF according to the parameters on the command line

description = 'Read dimacs file'
name = 'dimacs'
static setup_command_line(parser)

Setup the command line options for pigeonhole principle formula

Arguments: - parser: parser to load with options.