cnfgen.clitools.kthlist2pebbling module

Utilities to build dimacs encoding of pebbling formulas

Accepts only the kthlist graph format:

ASSUMPTIONS: the graph is given with a line for each vertex, from sources to a single sink.

CNF formulas interesting for proof complexity.

cli(argv=['/home/docs/checkouts/', '-T', '-b', 'html', '-d', '_build/doctrees', '-D', 'language=en', '.', '_build/html'], mode='output')

From KTHLists to Pebbling formulas

argv: list, optional

The list of token with the command line arguments/options.

mode: str

One among ‘formula’, ‘string’, ‘output’ (latter is the default) - ‘formula’ return a CNF object - ‘string’ return the string with the output of CNFgen - ‘output’ output the formula to the user


Setup general command line options

Arguments: - parser: parser to fill with options