cnfgen.formula.cnfio module

CNF formula with read/write capabilities

class CNFio(clauses=None, description=None)

Bases: cnfgen.formula.basecnf.BaseCNF

CNF class with I/O capabilities

  • read and write DIMACS
  • write to LaTeX format
  • communicate with SAT solver


>>> c=CNFio([[1, 2, -3], [-2, 4]])
>>> print( c.to_dimacs(),end='')
p cnf 4 2
1 2 -3 0
-2 4 0


add_clause(clause[, check]) Add a clause to the CNF.
add_clauses_from(clauses[, check]) Add a sequence of clauses to the CNF
all_variable_labels([default_label_format]) Produces the labels of all the variables
clauses() Return the list of clauses
debug([allow_opposite, allow_repetition]) Check if the formula representation is correct
from_file([fileorname]) Reads a DIMACS file into a CNF object
is_satisfiable([cmd, sameas]) Determines if the formula is satisfiable of not
solve([cmd, sameas, verbose]) Solve the formula with a SAT solver
to_dimacs() Produce the dimacs encoding of the formula
to_file([fileorname, fileformat, …]) Save the formula to a file
to_latex() Output a LaTeX version of the CNF formula
update_variable_number(new_value) Raises the number of variable in the formula to new_value
variables() Return the list of variables
classmethod from_file(fileorname=None)

Reads a DIMACS file into a CNF object

cnfclass: subclass of cnfgen.basecnf.BaseCNF

the type of CNF object to produce

fileorname: file object or string (or stdin if None)

destination file given either as object or as filename

is_satisfiable(cmd=None, sameas=None)

Determines if the formula is satisfiable of not

This method is just a simpler interface to the :py:method:`solve` method.

The formula is passed to a SAT solver, and the method returns True if the solvers claims the formula to be satisfiable, and false otherwise. If there is no solver available the method raises RuntimeError.

For a better description about the (optional) arguments to pass, see the documentation of :py:method:`solve` method.

>>> F.is_satifiable(cmd='minisat-style-solver',sameas='minisat')  # doctest: +SKIP
>>> F.is_satifiable(cmd='dimacs-style-solver',sameas='lingeling') # doctest: +SKIP
cmd : string,optional

the actual command line used to invoke the SAT solver

sameas : string, optional

use the interface of one of the supported solvers. Useful when the solver used in the command line is not supported.


True when F is satisfiable, or False otherwise.


if it is not possible to correctly invoke the solver needed.


if sameas is set and is not the name of a supported solver.

See also

run a SAT solver on this formula
implementation independent of CNF object.
the SAT solver recognized by cnfgen.


>>> F.is_satisfiable()                                              # doctest: +SKIP
>>> F.is_satisfiable(cmd='minisat -no-pre')                         # doctest: +SKIP
>>> F.is_satisfiable(cmd='glucose -pre')                            # doctest: +SKIP
>>> F.is_satisfiable(cmd='lingeling --plain')                       # doctest: +SKIP
>>> F.is_satisfiable(cmd='sat4j')                                   # doctest: +SKIP
>>> F.is_satisfiable(cmd='my-hacked-minisat -pre',sameas='minisat') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> F.is_satisfiable(cmd='patched-lingeling',sameas='lingeling')    # doctest: +SKIP
solve(cmd=None, sameas=None, verbose=0)

Solve the formula with a SAT solver

The formula is passed to a SAT solver, according to the optional command line cmd. If no command line is specified, the known solvers are tried in succession until one is found.

It is possible to use any drop-in replacement for these solvers, but in this case more information is needed on how to communicate with the solver. In particular minisat does not respect the standard DIMACS I/O conventions, and that holds also for glucose which is a drop-in replacement of minisat.

For the supported solver we can pick the right interface, but for other solvers it is impossible to guess. Nevertheless it is possible to indicate which interface to use, or more specifically which known solver interface to mimic.

>>> F.solve(cmd='minisat-style-solver',sameas='minisat')  # doctest: +SKIP
>>> F.solve(cmd='dimacs-style-solver',sameas='lingeling') # doctest: +SKIP
cmd : string,optional

the actual command line used to invoke the SAT solver

sameas : string, optional

use the interface of one of the supported solvers. Useful when the solver used in the command line is not supported.

verbose: int

0 or less means no output. 1 shows the command line actually run. 2 outputs the solver output. (default: 0)

(boolean,assignment or None)

A pair (answer,witness) where answer is either True when F is satisfiable, or False otherwise. If F is satisfiable the witness is a satisfiable assignment in form of a dictionary, otherwise it is None.


if it is not possible to correctly invoke the solver needed.


if sameas is set and is not the name of a supported solver.


if F is not a CNF object.

See also

implementation independent of CNF object.
the SAT solver recognized by cnfgen.


>>> F.solve()                                              # doctest: +SKIP
>>> F.solve(cmd='minisat -no-pre')                         # doctest: +SKIP
>>> F.solve(cmd='glucose -pre')                            # doctest: +SKIP
>>> F.solve(cmd='lingeling --plain')                       # doctest: +SKIP
>>> F.solve(cmd='sat4j')                                   # doctest: +SKIP
>>> F.solve(cmd='my-hacked-minisat -pre',sameas='minisat') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> F.solve(cmd='patched-lingeling',sameas='lingeling')    # doctest: +SKIP

Produce the dimacs encoding of the formula

The formula is rendered in the DIMACS format for CNF formulas, which is a particularly popular input format for SAT solvers [1].


By default the DIMACS output is ascii encoded, with non-ascii characters replaced.


the string contains the Dimacs code




>>> c=CNFio([[-1, 2, -3], [-2,-4], [2, 3, -4]])
>>> print(c.to_dimacs(),end='')
p cnf 4 3
-1 2 -3 0
-2 -4 0
2 3 -4 0
>>> c=CNFio()
>>> print(c.to_dimacs(),end='')
p cnf 0 0
to_file(fileorname=None, fileformat=None, export_header=True, export_varnames=False, extra_text='')

Save the formula to a file

The formula is saved on file, in either as a DIMACS file, or as a LaTeX document.

If fileformat is either dimacs or tex then the output is saved in the corresponding format.

If fileformat is None, then DIMACS format is the default output format unless the file name ends with ‘.tex’.

fileorname: file name or file object

where to print the file (default: <stdout>)

fileformat: ‘tex’, ‘dimacs’ or None

format of the output file

export_header: bool

print some additional information on the output file (default: True)

export_varnames: bool

add the variable ID –> name information in the dimacs (default: True)

extra_text: str

additional text to be included in the LaTeX output document


Output a LaTeX version of the CNF formula

The CNF formula is translated into the LaTeX markup language [1], using the names of the variable literally. The formula is rendered in the align environment, with one clause per row. Negated literals are rendered using the \neg command.

The output string is ready to be included in a document, but it does not include neither a preamble nor is nested inside \begin{document}\end{document}.


By default the LaTeX document in output is UTF-8 encoded.


the string contains the LaTeX code




>>> c=CNFio([[-1, 2, -3], [-2, -4], [2, 3, -4]])
>>> print(c.to_latex())
&       \left( {\overline{x}_1} \lor            {x_2} \lor {\overline{x}_3} \right) \\
& \land \left( {\overline{x}_2} \lor {\overline{x}_4} \right) \\
& \land \left(            {x_2} \lor            {x_3} \lor {\overline{x}_4} \right)
>>> c=CNFio()
>>> print(c.to_latex())
guess_output_format(fileorname, fileformat_request)

Try to guess the appropriate file format

If fileformat is either dimacs or tex then the output is saved in the corresponding format.

If fileformat is None, then DIMACS format is the default output format unless the file name ends with ‘.tex’.