1. How to build a CNF

The entry point to cnfgen library is cnfgen.CNF, which is the data structure representing CNF formulas. Variables can have text names but in general each variable is an integer from 1 to \(n\), where \(n\) is the number of variables.

>>> from cnfgen import CNF
>>> F = CNF()
>>> x = F.new_variable("X")
>>> y = F.new_variable("Y")
>>> z = F.new_variable("Z")
>>> print(x,y,z)
1 2 3

A clause is a list of literals, and each literal is +v or -v where v is the number corresponding to a variable. The user can interleave the addition of variables and clauses. Notice that the method :py:method:`new_variable` return the numeric id of the newly added variable, which can be optionally used to build clauses.

>>> F.add_clause([-x, y])
>>> w = F.new_variable("W")
>>> w == 4
>>> F.add_clause([-z, 4])
>>> F.number_of_variables()
>>> F.number_of_clauses()

The CNF object F in the example now encodes the formula

\[( \neg X \vee Y ) \wedge ( \neg Z \vee W)\]

over variables \(X\), \(Y\), \(Z\) and \(W\). It is perfectly fine to add variables that do not occur in any clause. Vice versa, it is possible to add clauses that mention variables never seen before. In that case any unknown variable is silently added to the formula.

>>> G = CNF()
>>> G.number_of_variables()
>>> G.add_clause([-1, 2])
>>> G.number_of_variables()
>>> list(G.variables())
[1, 2]


By default the :py:method:`cnfgen.CNF.add_clause` checks that all literals in the clauses are non-zero integers. Furthermore if there are new variables mentioned in the clause, the number of variables of the formula is automatically updated. This checks makes adding clauses a bit expensive, and that’s an issue for very large formulas where millions of clauses are added. It is possible to avoid such checks but then it is resposibility of the user to keep things consistent.

See also :py:method:`cnfgen.CNF.debug`, which in turn can be also used to check the presence of literal repetitions and opposite literals.

It is possible to add clauses directly at the CNF construction. The code

>>> H = CNF([ [1,2,-3], [-2,4] ])

is essentially equivalent to

>>> H = CNF()
>>> H.add_clauses_from([ [1,2,-3], [-2,4] ])


>>> H = CNF()
>>> H.add_clause([1,2,-3])
>>> H.add_clause([-2,4])

1.1. Exporting formulas to DIMACS

One of the main use of CNFgen is to produce formulas to be fed to SAT solvers. These solvers accept CNf formulas in DIMACS format [1], which can easily be obtained using cnfgen.CNF.to_dimacs().

>>> c=CNF([ [1,2,-3], [-2,4] ])
>>> print( c.to_dimacs() )
p cnf 4 2
1 2 -3 0
-2 4 0
>>> c.add_clause( [-3,4,-5] )
>>> print( c.to_dimacs() )
p cnf 5 3
1 2 -3 0
-2 4 0
-3 4 -5 0

The variables in the DIMACS representation are numbered according to the order of insertion. CNFgen does not guarantee anything about this order, unless variables are added explicitly.

1.2. Exporting formulas to LaTeX

It is possible to use cnfgen.CNF.to_latex() to get a LaTeX [2] encoding of the CNF to include in a document. In that case the variable names are included literally, therefore it is advisable to use variable names that would look good in Latex. By default variables i has the assigned name x_{i}.

>>> c=CNF([[-1, 2, -3], [-2,-4], [2,3,-4]])
>>> print(c.to_latex())
&       \left( {\overline{x}_1} \lor            {x_2} \lor {\overline{x}_3} \right) \\
& \land \left( {\overline{x}_2} \lor {\overline{x}_4} \right) \\
& \land \left(            {x_2} \lor            {x_3} \lor {\overline{x}_4} \right)

which renders as

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} & \left( {\overline{x}_1} \lor {x_2} \lor {\overline{x}_3} \right) \\ & \land \left( {\overline{x}_2} \lor {\overline{x}_4} \right) \\ & \land \left( {x_2} \lor {x_3} \lor {\overline{x}_4} \right) \end{align}\end{split}\]

Instead of outputting just the LaTeX rendering of the formula it is possible to produce a full LaTeX document by using cnfgen.CNF.to_latex_document(). The document is ready to be compiled.