3.1.9. cnfformula.families.subgraph module

Implementation of formulas that check for subgraphs

BinaryCliqueFormula(G, k)

Test whether a graph has a k-clique.

Given a graph \(G\) and a non negative value \(k\), the CNF formula claims that \(G\) contains a \(k\)-clique. This formula uses the binary encoding, in the sense that the clique elements are indexed by strings of bits.

G : networkx.Graph

a simple graph

k : a non negative integer

clique size

a CNF object
class BinaryKCliqueCmdHelper

Bases: object

Command line helper for k-clique formula


build_cnf(args) Build a k-clique formula according to the arguments
setup_command_line(parser) Setup the command line options for k-clique formula
static build_cnf(args)

Build a k-clique formula according to the arguments

Arguments: - args: command line options

description = 'Binary k clique formula'
name = 'kcliquebin'
static setup_command_line(parser)

Setup the command line options for k-clique formula

Arguments: - parser: parser to load with options.

CliqueFormula(G, k)

Test whether a graph has a k-clique.

Given a graph \(G\) and a non negative value \(k\), the CNF formula claims that \(G\) contains a \(k\)-clique.

G : networkx.Graph

a simple graph

k : a non negative integer

clique size

a CNF object
class KCliqueCmdHelper

Bases: object

Command line helper for k-clique formula


build_cnf(args) Build a k-clique formula according to the arguments
setup_command_line(parser) Setup the command line options for k-clique formula
static build_cnf(args)

Build a k-clique formula according to the arguments

Arguments: - args: command line options

description = 'k clique formula'
name = 'kclique'
static setup_command_line(parser)

Setup the command line options for k-clique formula

Arguments: - parser: parser to load with options.

class RWCmdHelper

Bases: object

Command line helper for ramsey graph formula


build_cnf(args) Build a formula to check that a graph is a ramsey number lower bound
setup_command_line(parser) Setup the command line options for ramsey witness formula
static build_cnf(args)

Build a formula to check that a graph is a ramsey number lower bound

Arguments: - args: command line options

description = 'unsat if G witnesses that r(k,s)>|V(G)| (i.e. G has not k-clique nor s-stable)'
name = 'ramlb'
static setup_command_line(parser)

Setup the command line options for ramsey witness formula

Arguments: - parser: parser to load with options.

RamseyWitnessFormula(G, k, s)

Test whether a graph contains one of the templates.

Given a graph \(G\) and a non negative values \(k\) and \(s\), the CNF formula claims that \(G\) contains a neither a \(k\)-clique nor an independet set of size \(s\).

G : networkx.Graph

a simple graph

k : a non negative integer

clique size

s : a non negative integer

independet set size

a CNF object
class SubGraphCmdHelper

Bases: object

Command line helper for Graph Isomorphism formula


build_cnf(args) Build a graph automorphism formula according to the arguments
setup_command_line(parser) Setup the command line options for graph isomorphism formula
static build_cnf(args)

Build a graph automorphism formula according to the arguments

Arguments: - args: command line options

description = 'subgraph formula'
name = 'subgraph'
static setup_command_line(parser)

Setup the command line options for graph isomorphism formula

Arguments: - parser: parser to load with options.

SubgraphFormula(graph, templates, symmetric=False)

Test whether a graph contains one of the templates.

Given a graph \(G\) and a sequence of template graphs \(H_1\), \(H_2\), …, \(H_t\), the CNF formula claims that \(G\) contains an isomorphic copy of at least one of the template graphs.

E.g. when \(H_1\) is the complete graph of \(k\) vertices and it is the only template, the formula claims that \(G\) contains a \(k\)-clique.

graph : networkx.Graph

a simple graph

templates : list-like object

a sequence of graphs.


all template graphs are symmetric wrt permutations of vertices. This allows some optimization in the search space of the assignments.


force the subgraph to be induced (i.e. no additional edges are allowed)

a CNF object