3.1.10. cnfformula.families.subsetcardinality module

Implementation of subset cardinality formulas

class SCCmdHelper

Bases: object


static build_cnf(args)
description = 'subset cardinality formulas'
name = 'subsetcard'
static setup_command_line(parser)
SubsetCardinalityFormula(B, equalities=False)

Consider a bipartite graph \(B\). The CNF claims that at least half of the edges incident to each of the vertices on left side of \(B\) must be zero, while at least half of the edges incident to each vertex on the left side must be one.

Variants of these formula on specific families of bipartite graphs have been studied in [1], [2] and [3], and turned out to be difficult for resolution based SAT-solvers.

Each variable of the formula is denoted as \(x_{i,j}\) where \(\{i,j\}\) is an edge of the bipartite graph. The clauses of the CNF encode the following constraints on the edge variables.

For every left vertex i with neighborhood \(\Gamma(i)\)

\[\sum_{j \in \Gamma(i)} x_{i,j} \geq \frac{|\Gamma(i)|}{2}\]

For every right vertex j with neighborhood \(\Gamma(j)\)

\[\sum_{i \in \Gamma(j)} x_{i,j} \leq \frac{|\Gamma(j)|}{2}.\]

If the equalities flag is true, the constraints are instead represented by equations.

\[\sum_{j \in \Gamma(i)} x_{i,j} = \left\lceil \frac{|\Gamma(i)|}{2} \right\rceil\]
\[\sum_{i \in \Gamma(j)} x_{i,j} = \left\lfloor \frac{|\Gamma(j)|}{2} \right\rfloor .\]
B : networkx.Graph

the graph vertices must have the ‘bipartite’ attribute set. Left vertices must have it set to 0 and the right ones to 1. A KeyException is raised otherwise.

equalities : boolean

use equations instead of inequalities to express the cardinality constraints. (default: False)

A CNF object


[1](1, 2) Mladen Miksa and Jakob Nordstrom Long proofs of (seemingly) simple formulas Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing–SAT 2014 (2014)
[2](1, 2) Ivor Spence sgen1: A generator of small but difficult satisfiability benchmarks Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (2010)
[3](1, 2) Allen Van Gelder and Ivor Spence Zero-One Designs Produce Small Hard SAT Instances Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing–SAT 2010(2010)